Kem "You Are"
When you are standing here with me
I can see everything in you
You are the light that feeds the soul oh yeah
Girl you are everything divine
In your love I will learn my wings to fly
In your heart I will make my home
Day or night I will come to you
Here’s to our love
I do oh yeah oh girl I do
You are half that makes me whole
Girl you are marigolds in bloom
Baby you are the air I breathe oh yeah
Girl you are everything in me
In your love I will bring my dreams to life oh
From your heart I will never roam oh no
Until now my weakness is all I’ve known
But with your love
I am strong oh baby girl
I am stronger yeah (adlib)
Oh yeah
I’m stronger (adlib out)
См. также: Kem "Brotha Man"
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